Tuesday 24 April 2007

An icy world? Revise Glaciation

The specification states:
The characteristics of valleys can be changed by glaciation.
The build up of ice and the formation of corries.
The changes to the river valley characteristics: U-shaped valleys, truncated spurs, hanging valleys, ribbon lakes, moraines, pyramidal peaks.
Students are not expected to know about ice ages or the processes involved in ice formation beyond the build up and compaction of snow. Knowledge of case studies will not be required in the exam.
Students are expected to be able to describe the landforms specified, and explain their formation in terms of the processes involved. They should be able to construct annotated diagrams of the landforms and recognise the landforms specified on OS maps and in photographs.

View the Glaciation Revision Powerpoint to 'traffic light' your knowledge & understanding.

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Must have a map!