Tuesday 5 June 2007

Countdown to paper 2

Check these out!
Not too sure about the tune but good to review the Mt Pinatubo case study (volcanic activity, LEDC).
There are movies relating to the Kashmir Earthquake (earthquake activity, LEDC) linked to earlier in the blog.
Try this to review Mt St Helens (& of course listen to 'ole St Helens'
This is a very stark reminder of the short term impact of the Kobe Earthquake (MEDC quake)

1 comment:

WeLovesJacko said...

Happy birthday, Jacko!
We loves you, we do.
Cheers for the last two years of teaching, s'been a beast. Not doing Geoggers next year, try to console yourself.
Yeah...Cheers again, s'been good larf.

Oodles of love,
Zorro and the Year 11 Geoggers students of the afforementioned Jacko...You're a 'reet Leg Miss.

Reckon you could probably guess who this is ^.^ Lovin'

Must have a map!