Sunday 27 January 2008

The last leg........ unless we decide to cover 'coasts' too!

The last section of the specification that we HAVE to cover is settlement.
It includes:
Site . dry and wet point, aspect, shelter, defence, resources and communications. Many siting factors important in the past are now no longer important due to technological change. Settlements with a favourable site especially in respect of communications e.g. gap towns, route
centres and bridging points often grew into trading centres.

Size . the hierarchy of settlement linked to population size, services and sphere of influence.

Function . types of settlements and how their function may change over time.

Urban morphology models of an MEDC and LEDC city , contrast in morphology. This includes detailed study of one MEDC & one LEDC city. We will mainly study LEEDS & Rio de Janairo.
The characteristics of the urban zones . the CBD, inner city, suburbs and rural urban fringe in the MEDC and the CBD, high class sector, shanty towns in the LEDC.
Definition and causes of urbanisation.
The different pattern of urbanisation in MEDCs and LEDCs.
The problems of urbanisation.
Social, economic, environmental issues in the CBD and inner city in MEDCs and in the shanty towns in LEDCs.
Contemporary solutions to problems of the CBD and inner cities in MEDCs and to shanty towns in LEDCs to achieve sustainable development.

Site and SituationWhen we talk about the site of a settlement, we are refering to the land on which the hamlet, village, town or city is built. A number of site factors would have been important when choosing the inital site of a settlement. These would have included the relief of the land; the availability of natural resources; water supply and the fertility of the surrounding land.We also talk about the situation of a settlement, this is the location of a place relative to its surroundings (which may include other settlements, landscape features such as rivers, uplands etc.)

What factors have infuenced the SITE and SITUATION of Boston Spa?

Start with factors that affect the site & situation of settlements. The S Cool Revision site is really good for this (or use the text books). You need notes on the factors that determine the site & situation of a settlement. DO NOT JUST PRINT OUT from S-Cool! Then answer the question about Boston Spa. Complete this plus homework task before the next lesson.

Homework: Watch this! Its a production by BBC schools in Northern Ireland & its examples are from Northern Ireland but it will provide an excellent review of the introduction to the topic.

1 comment:

emo baby said...

this is really useful Thanx :)

Must have a map!