Make sure that your revision is ACTIVE! make flash cards, mindmaps, posters, games (use to make 'arcade style' revision games), PowerPoints. Use BBC Bitesize to test your knowledge & understanding.
You need to know:
What causes earthquakes, Where earthquakes happen, Kobe Earthquake (MEDC) & Haiti Earthquake (LEDC). Make sure you learn KEY TERMS & know the case studies in detail.
Sorry I am a little late posting the homework! Watch this video clip please. The final written task is at the foot of the post.
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is a multiple-use area. It covers 344,000 square kilometres. Zoning helps to manage and protect the Marine Park so that all users can enjoy it, now and in the future. Zoning therefore helps to make sure that the Park is managed in a sustainable way. Zoning Plans say what activities can happen where, both to protect the marine environment and to separate potentially conflicting activities. The current Zoning Plan was introduced in 2004. The Preservation Zone - the Pink Zone - is a 'no go' area. A person cannot enter a Pink Zone unless they have written permission and extractive activities (eg. removing coral or fishing) are strictly prohibited. Research may occur in a Pink Zone, if it cannot be done elsewhere, but only if the research is relevant to, and a priority for, management. A permit is required to conduct research in this zone. The Pink Zone makes up less than 1% of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Pink Zones provide high-level protection for special and unique places, habitats, plants and animals within the Marine Park and provides an undisturbed baseline for comparison with other zones.
The Marine National Park Zone - the Green Zone - is a 'no-take' area and extractive activities like fishing or collecting are not allowed without written permission from Marine Park authorities. Anyone can enter a Green Zone and participate in activities such as boating, swimming, snorkelling and sailing. Fishing gear, such as rods with attached hooks, must be stowed inboard the boat or in rod holders. All fishing apparatus must be out of the water. Anchoring is also allowed in a Green Zone, however in high use and sensitive areas use of a mooring may be necessary or there may be a no anchoring area defined by buoys. The Green Zone makes up about 33% of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
Green Zones protect the biodiversity within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park by protecting important breeding and nursery areas such as seagrass beds, mangrove communities, deepwater shoals and reefs. The size of fish within no-take areas will increase and these bigger fish will produce more offspring. Adult fish and their offspring are not confined to the no-take areas and can move into adjacent areas, creating a spillover effect that helps replenish fish stocks in areas where fishing is allowed.
The Scientific Research Zone - the Orange Zone - makes up less than 1% of the Park. It facilitates research, in areas primarily around scientific research facilities that are relatively undisturbed by extractive activities. The Orange Zone helps to manage research activities and separates research from conflicting, high impact activities. This helps to ensure research and data gathered within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is less influenced by human activity.
The Buffer Zone - the Olive-Green Zone - makes up about 3% of the Park. It provides for the protection and conservation of areas of the Marine Parks in their natural state, while allowing the public to appreciate and enjoy the relatively undisturbed nature of the area. Trolling for pelagic fish species is allowed in the Buffer Zone. However, all other forms of extractive activities such as bottom fishing and spearfishing are prohibited in this zone. Pelagic species include species of trevally, scad, queenfish, rainbow runner, dolphinfish, black kingfish or cobia, barracuda, sailfish, marlin, swordfish, mackerel, tuna, bonito, wahoo, small toothed jobfish and green jobfish.
The Conservation Park Zone - the Yellow Zone - allows for increased protection and conservation of areas of the Marine Park, while providing opportunities for reasonable use and enjoyment including limited extractive use. Most extractive activities are allowed in a Yellow Zone with additional restrictions for most fishing activities. Fishing activities allowed in a Conservation Park (Yellow) Zone include:
- limited line fishing (one hand-held rod or one hand-held line per person, with no more than one hook attached to that line)
- trolling (no more than three lines per person and up to six hooks combined total per person)
- limited spearfishing (snorkel only)
- bait netting
- limited crabbing (four crab pots, dillies or inverted dillies)
- limited collecting (includes oysters and bait, excludes take of coral (live or dead and anemones)
The Habitat Protection Zone - the Dark Blue Zone - provides for the conservation of areas of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park by protecting and managing sensitive habitats and ensuring they are generally free from potentially damaging activities. Trawling is not permitted in the Habitat Protection Zone. The Zone continues to provide for reasonable use of areas and makes up about 28% of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
The General Use Zone - the Light-Blue Zone - is to provide opportunities for reasonable use of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, while still allowing for the conservation of these areas. The General Use Zone in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is very similar to the Queensland (State) General Use Zone.
The Queensland Government manages commercial fishing in the Marine Park. The main management strategies are:
- limits on the number of fishing licences
- seasonal closures
- restrictions on the size of fishing boats
- restrictions on the length, mesh sizes and number of nets used
- limits on the number of hooks used
- limits on the numbers of traps such as crab pots used
- limits on the total allowable catch restrictions on the size of fish
Many organisations are researching the impacts of the zoning of the Marine Park.
TASK: Watch this video clip & answer this question 'How effective is the management of the Great Barrier Reef in protecting the reef area?' (6 marks)
You will have responded to the comments in your book & completed the crossword to review your learning. Have you met the targets you set?
You should have completed additional research on Happisburgh...... collect headphones & watch this video and this video. Watch this news clip. Complete any additional research you think you require to answer this question:
Answer this question in your exercise book ' What is the effect of the policy of managed retreat on the village of Happisburgh?'
Learning outcome; i will have reflected upon & improved my knowledge & understanding of key concepts.
Spend at least 15 minutes responding to the 'action point/s' highlighted in your books. Print off your illustrated essay or PowerPoint (at no more than 2 slides per page, using handout form) & hand in. Stick in all loose sheets!
Tick off topics already covered from summary sheets
Hope you found the part past question ok. The photo in the question is of Hengistbury Head on the south coast of England. Your homework is to find out more about the landforms & processes on this stretch of coastline. There are loads of Internet resources, be selective & summarise on one sheet of A4!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
These pictures were taken near Souter lighthouse near South Shields.
What coastal landforms are evident?
How do you think they were formed? Suggest the processes that may be at work?
Present your ideas in an essay, a movie or a PowerPoint. Use the Internet to research & check your understanding.
Include detailed annotation of the photos & additional diagrams.
Learning outcomes: You know & can identify key Coastal landforms You should be able to connect landforms & processes You may be able to suggest the impact of factors such as rock type & fetch & prevailing wind,
Use BBC classclips to review & develop your notes on coastal erosion. Also use BBC bitesize, s-cool, geographylearnontheinternet. Choose whatever format you like but it should include diagrams & photos & end up in your books so that you can learn it & do an exam question next Tuesday.
Welcome to my new Year 10 group! You have made a great choice in opting to study Geography at GCSE! The course is AQA specification B. The first module is called 'The Coastal Environment' and we will be working to your first module exam on Thursday January 20th 2011! Don't plan to have flu, be on holiday or anything else on this day or in the week or so leading up to it!
The work that you did as part of your GCSE Humanities course will be a great foundation but don't worry, we will not just be going over old stuff, there is loads of great new Geography to uncover & learn. This blog is your online support (and 24/7 prompt & nag, if needed!) so call back often. You will be able to download copies of most of the material I use in class from here. Most of the documents will be saved as Google documents or similar (whatever gets through LLN filters at the moment!). Just follow the hyperlinks. Links are included to web sites as well, such as the one above to the AQA specification document on the AQA website.
Some posts will be for GCSE Humanities (year 8 & 9) but just ignore them if you like - it will be obvious, although up to date news items on stuff such as Hurricanes or Volcanic eruptions are relevant & should be of interest to all Geographers. Mrs J.
Question 3 : Agriculture 3 (a) 3x1 Evidence for commercial – outputs sold / milk sent to dairy / calves sent to market (3 marks) Evidence for pastoral – 36 cows / animal feed / twice daily milking / calves / silage Evidence for intensive– it covers only 12 hectares (must be only) 3 (b) (i) From top: 1 mark for one correct, 2 for two correct, 3 for all correct. (3 marks) Z X Y W 3 (b) (ii) 1x2 Fall off in yields due to loss of soil. Largely subsistence farmers who have to grow their own food so suffer famine and malnutrition. Fall off in income. (2 marks) 3 (b) (iii) Can be MEDC or LEDC. (4 marks) Level 1 (Basic) (1-2 marks) Simple listing of different methods aimed at reducing soil erosion. Contour ploughing. Magic stones. Growth of cover crops etc. Crop rotation 1 fallow. Replanting hedges. Shelter belts. Controlled grazing. Level 2 (Clear) (3-4 marks) Linked statements showing some description and indication of how the method can reduce soil erosion. Ploughing around the slope instead of up and down the slope reduces the surface runoff. The growth of cover crops means that the soil is protected from the heavy rainfall. 3 (c) Level 1 (Basic) (1-2 marks) (4 marks) Simple statement listing the advantages without showing why this leads to the increased amount of organic produce being grown. Concern about chemicals getting into the food chain. Customer demand. Encouragement from supermarkets. Increased demand. EU grants. Level 2 (Clear) (3-4 marks) Linked statements show why there has been an increased output Publicity given to healthy eating means there is a greater customer demand for organic produce. Increased demand because growing awareness of the dangers of chemicals getting into the food chain. Supermarkets recognising the increased demand are encouraging farmers to grow more. AQA GCSE Mark Scheme, 2009 June series – Geography A 11 3 (d) Level 1 (Basic) (1-3 marks) e.g. plantation agriculture (9 marks) Simple statements which are likely to be largely generic or do not relate to a specific farming system. Does not deal with physical and human factors. High rainfall. Flat land. Deep soils. High temperatures. Cheap labour. MEDC maximum Level 1 Level 2 (Clear) (4-6 marks) Linked statements showing the impact of the physical and human factors on the farming system. There are high temperatures required for the growing of rubber. The rubber has to be collected everyday so there is a need for a large supply of cheap labour. Need both physical and human factors for the top of Level 2. Level 3 (Detailed) (7-9 marks) Case study exemplar with a range of human and physical factors. The rubber plantation Malaysia is owned by the TNC Firestone. There is a well developed infrastructure which allow the rubber to be refined as soon after it has been tapped from the rubber tree. The temperatures reach 27 0C and the annual rainfall is 2000mm. There is a large labour force of Malays and Chinese which is important because it is a very labour intensive production system. Modern fertilizers, weed killers and insecticides are used. Total 25 marks