Saturday 6 November 2010

Coral Reefs

Sorry I am a little late posting the homework! Watch this video clip please. The final written task is at the foot of the post.

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is a multiple-use area. It covers 344,000 square kilometres. Zoning helps to manage and protect the Marine Park so that all users can enjoy it, now and in the future. Zoning therefore helps to make sure that the Park is managed in a sustainable way.

Zoning Plans say what activities can happen where, both to protect the marine environment and to separate potentially conflicting activities. The current Zoning Plan was introduced in 2004.
The Preservation Zone - the Pink Zone - is a 'no go' area. A person cannot enter a Pink Zone unless they have written permission and extractive activities (eg. removing coral or fishing) are strictly prohibited. Research may occur in a Pink Zone, if it cannot be done elsewhere, but only if the research is relevant to, and a priority for, management. A permit is required to conduct research in this zone. The Pink Zone makes up less than 1% of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Pink Zones provide high-level protection for special and unique places, habitats, plants and animals within the Marine Park and provides an undisturbed baseline for comparison with other zones.

The Marine National Park Zone - the Green Zone - is a 'no-take' area and extractive activities like fishing or collecting are not allowed without written permission from Marine Park authorities. Anyone can enter a Green Zone and participate in activities such as boating, swimming, snorkelling and sailing. Fishing gear, such as rods with attached hooks, must be stowed inboard the boat or in rod holders. All fishing apparatus must be out of the water. Anchoring is also allowed in a Green Zone, however in high use and sensitive areas use of a mooring may be necessary or there may be a no anchoring area defined by buoys. The Green Zone makes up about 33% of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

Green Zones protect the biodiversity within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park by protecting important breeding and nursery areas such as seagrass beds, mangrove communities, deepwater shoals and reefs. The size of fish within no-take areas will increase and these bigger fish will produce more offspring. Adult fish and their offspring are not confined to the no-take areas and can move into adjacent areas, creating a spillover effect that helps replenish fish stocks in areas where fishing is allowed.

The Scientific Research Zone - the Orange Zone - makes up less than 1% of the Park. It facilitates research, in areas primarily around scientific research facilities that are relatively undisturbed by extractive activities. The Orange Zone helps to manage research activities and separates research from conflicting, high impact activities. This helps to ensure research and data gathered within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is less influenced by human activity.

The Buffer Zone - the Olive-Green Zone - makes up about 3% of the Park. It provides for the protection and conservation of areas of the Marine Parks in their natural state, while allowing the public to appreciate and enjoy the relatively undisturbed nature of the area. Trolling for pelagic fish species is allowed in the Buffer Zone. However, all other forms of extractive activities such as bottom fishing and spearfishing are prohibited in this zone. Pelagic species include species of trevally, scad, queenfish, rainbow runner, dolphinfish, black kingfish or cobia, barracuda, sailfish, marlin, swordfish, mackerel, tuna, bonito, wahoo, small toothed jobfish and green jobfish.

The Conservation Park Zone - the Yellow Zone - allows for increased protection and conservation of areas of the Marine Park, while providing opportunities for reasonable use and enjoyment including limited extractive use. Most extractive activities are allowed in a Yellow Zone with additional restrictions for most fishing activities. Fishing activities allowed in a Conservation Park (Yellow) Zone include:

- limited line fishing (one hand-held rod or one hand-held line per person, with no more than one hook attached to that line)

- trolling (no more than three lines per person and up to six hooks combined total per person)

- limited spearfishing (snorkel only)

- bait netting

- limited crabbing (four crab pots, dillies or inverted dillies)

- limited collecting (includes oysters and bait, excludes take of coral (live or dead and anemones)

The Habitat Protection Zone - the Dark Blue Zone - provides for the conservation of areas of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park by protecting and managing sensitive habitats and ensuring they are generally free from potentially damaging activities. Trawling is not permitted in the Habitat Protection Zone. The Zone continues to provide for reasonable use of areas and makes up about 28% of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

The General Use Zone - the Light-Blue Zone - is to provide opportunities for reasonable use of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, while still allowing for the conservation of these areas. The General Use Zone in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is very similar to the Queensland (State) General Use Zone.

The Queensland Government manages commercial fishing in the Marine Park. The main management strategies are:

- limits on the number of fishing licences

- seasonal closures

- restrictions on the size of fishing boats

- restrictions on the length, mesh sizes and number of nets used

- limits on the number of hooks used

- limits on the numbers of traps such as crab pots used

- limits on the total allowable catch restrictions on the size of fish

Many organisations are researching the impacts of the zoning of the Marine Park.

TASK: Watch this video clip & answer this question
'How effective is the management of the Great Barrier Reef in protecting the reef area?' (6 marks)

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Must have a map!