Wednesday 21 March 2007

How to revise!

Exams looming? No need to panic, just get organised!

Find somewhere quiet to work, somewhere that you feel comfortable.
Take frequent breaks, work in short bursts. Every 30 minutes or so, change topic or subject.
When you're revising, the trick is to be active.
That means not simply reading your books and hoping that it'll sink in, but
actually doing something with the information.
But what should I actually do?

You may find some of these links useful!
Think carefully about the questions that are asked - How will you manage your time? Where is the best place to revise? What do you need to revise? What are the different techniques that can be used for revision? How can I concentrate when I am revising?

The first link is to the Aston University student support site. Don't be put off by this - the issues are the same for University Students. The second link is to 'Know it all' which is a site that I mentioned for the trial exams.

What are the stages of revising a topic?

Stage 1 - get your material together. Make sure you have all the course handouts and copies of all the key readings, and that you know where the notes you took during the course are
Stage 2 - get a feel for the course. Read over the handouts and your own notes
Stage 3 - look at previous exam papers (see Student information)
Stage 4 - select your topics for revision (see above)
Stage 5 - the solid work

Remember what type of learner you are & work to your strengths.

Use different techniques

Make it stick -go over stuff
Look ,cover, write, check
Fill diagrams in from memory
Use highlighters
Make 'expert cards'
Make jigsaws -separate terms & meanings then match them up
Practice exam questions
Use online revision sites
listen to podcasts (eg on Biitesize), record your own
Teach a topic to someone else

Post other techniques that work as a comment to this blog!
Visit this (and other) Geog Blogs..... Often!

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Must have a map!